Wednesday, September 27, 2006


So today I got the Creating Keepsakes Hall of Fame 2006 issue. I am IN LOVE!!!! It's absolutley AMAZING! My brain is on creative overload though LOL these ladies are just SO talented!!!
My favorite is definitly Brittany Laakkonen. She totally inspires me I think because alot of her pics are portraits which are my FAVORITE to do!!! Also she's freakin 16 years old!!! I've always thought I'm not that good because of my age, but now I definitly think differently!!!!
Anyway...after seeing all of this talent in one place I got inspired to do an "artistic" portrait photo of myself using Photoshop. I was quite pleased with it :-) can't wait to get some ink for my printer so I can print it out and do a LO with it!!!!!
Well...other than that I spent $50 on SB supplies online today LOL so I'm EXCITED when they come in!!!!!!!!! :-)'s the pic:

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dinner and a Show

So tonight my roommates and I had our first sit-down dinner together LOL finally after a month of being here!!!! I love my roomies to death!! We had sooo much fun!!! Of course I had to take pics :-D LOL While eating dinner we watched the season premier of Law and Order: SVU that Tracie had taped last night because we're HUGE fans of it!!!!!!! I had alot of fun and it was good to spend time with my awesome roomies considering we're all SO busy!!! Here are the pics:

the "official" first dinner pic :-)

The obligatory silly pic LOL I love these girls!!!

Yeah Traci kept trying to keep the lighter lit but Jessica and Brandi kept blowing it out!!!! LOL

um..."would you light my candle"?!?!?!??!?!??!? LOL

So overall we had fun :-) It was a great bonding experience!!! I LOVE THESE GIRLS!!!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Clemson vs. FSU

Well this weekend was the Clemson vs. FSU football game...otherwise known as the Bowden Bowl because FSU's head coach, BOBBY BOWDEN (the best coach evvveerrrr) has a son who is the coach at Clemson. So this is a pretty big game soley for that reason. This was also my 1st home game of the season so I was SOOO excited!!! I'm not gonna Noles rock my socks :-) Going to football games is just another reason why i LOVE this school!!!! FSU is just awesome. The game was going pretty bad until the 2nd half, then it got REALLY good!!!!! Unfortunatley not good enough :-( we lost in the last 8 SECONDS of the game!!!!!! Our 1st loss of the season *tear*
but other than that I had a great time. I had 5th row seats in the student section, but me and my friend, Bethany, were able to end up on the SECOND ROW!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!! My entire family was at the game along with 2 of my friends (sitting in other places though) so it was good to see all of them...but they called me and said that I was on the "fan cam" during the game LOL which means I was on the big screen at the game yelling my butt off for my Noles!!!!!! :-) LOL so that was fun!
Although we lost, it was good seeing my friends and watching my Noles!!!! Here are some pics:

Me and Bethany at the stadium!!


Kickoff!! With Chief Osceola and Renegade RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!!!

yeah this is how close we were!!!!

cheering on our Noles!!!

yeah...we definitly learned to NOT have a random drunk person take our pic :-( but you at least get the idea of how close we were!!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

September Exhausts Challenge, SB buys, and other random things

OK, so on 2Peas I've joined the "exhaust your stash" challenge. In this we don't buy scrapping supplies for all of september (or technically you can, but layouts used with the new stuff doesn't count...but the point is to use what you already have!!!). Hopefully this will get me motivated to do my LOs ESPECIALLY start on my Germany scrapbook!!!! SOOO many pictures to get done!!!!! whoever makes the most LOs gets a prize at the end of the month! My friend, Amy, won for August and I'm SO jealous of everything she got!!! :-p LOL so hopefully I can beat her this month!! HA HA....(love you girl!!!!)
But bottom line: I've been stuck in a rut for the past few months on being creative so hopefully this will be good motivation!!!!!!!!!!!

On another note, I've subscribed to the Jenni Bowlin monthly kit! So hopefully I'll be getting that soon!!!! It looks SOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!! I also bought a cute tote bag that says "Croppin Angels" and it's got 3 girls on it posed as Charlie's Angels but with scissors, glue, and paper (or something like that LOL). It's SOOO cute and I can't WAIT to get it next week!!!! I'll post pics up when I get it! YAYNESS!!!

So last week FSU beat MIAMI!!! YEAHHHH!!! It was SOO much fun! I wasn't at the game because it was in Miami but being with fellow students and fans was just as fun! After we won there was a huge group that all went out to the parking lot and we were screaming, cheering, singing the fight song, doing the war chant...

I heart FSU alot

we also beat Troy State today! YAY! So far we're undefeated!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Noles totally rock my socks :-)