Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Little Survey

A - Available or single: haha i'm definitly not available...but I'm basically not single either ;-)
B - Best Friend: aww my baby, Richard :-) and my AMY!!! and Audrey, Ashley, and Laurence
C - Cake or Pie: oooo my grandmother's Butter Pecan Cake is THE BEST!!!
D - Drink of choice: Chocolate Milk :-) or do they mean alcoholic?? LOL then that would be Smirnoff Ice!!! hehehehehe
E - Essential item you use everyday: My Ipod and Phone!!!
F - Favorite color: lately it's kinda been lavendar...but I love to wear pink :-)
G - Gummy Bears or worms: Gummies!!! Definitly got addicted to those in Germany LOL
H - Hometown: uh...Florida is my home state LOL i don't have a hometown
I - Indulgence: OMG Scrapbook stuff by far....oreos and milk, chocolate bf :-) LOL
J - January or February: February because of V-DAY!! and it's closer to my bday LOL
K - Kids & Names: no kids and depending on who I marry and their last name depends on their names LOL
L - Life is Incomplete Without? God...and scrapbooking LOL
M - Marriage Date: well not married yet LOL and I've never had a "Dream date" for my wedding...although I think a Christmas wedding would be GORGEOUS
N - Number of Siblings: sister and one brother...i'm the oldest :-D
O - Oranges or Apples: I like both...but green apples are the best :-)
P - Phobias or Fears: as of right now losing Richard--he's a Marine...enough said
Q - Fave Quote: oh gees I have 3 "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." and "Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It's much sexier than any body part." and "Relax! God is in charge"
R - Reason to Smile: awww :-) I'm smiling right now thinking of him.....and of course all my wonderful friends and family!!!!
S - Season: the'd be great if FL actually HAD one :-p
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: um...I dunno LOL the ones I can tag have already done this!!!
U - Unknown Fact about Me: um....I try to booty dance in my room by myself sometimes :-\ LOL
V - Vegetable You Don't Like: celery...yuck!
W - Worst Habit: putting things off until the last minute :-(
X - Xrays: never had one
Y - Your Fave Food: mmmmm hamburgers :-D lol
Z - Zodiac Sign: Pisces :-)

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