Friday, November 09, 2007


35 days til graduation!!!


*35 days until I am FREEEEE from always having to study!
*35 days until I can scrap again!!!
*35 day to get a job..EEK!
*35 days until I get out of this town!!!
*35 days until I move closer to home and Josh!
*35 days to when I have to have everything packed :-\
*35 days until I officially step into the adult world
*35 days until I'm a college graduate
*35 days until I can read for pleasure again!
*35 days until I'm closer to the beach WOO HOO!
*35 days to find a place to live
*35 days until I can pea again ;-)
and last but not least:
*35 days until my real education begins (adult world, Bible study, etc)


Colleen said...

Here's to 35 days!! Good luck!

Theresa said...

Make sure you take a couple of weeks to do nothing--seriously NOTHING!!!! You've earned it.

Gabrielle said...

WOW! So much to look forward to!

Now what 35 things will you miss? :)