Friday, May 11, 2007

This boy...

-I woah
-My bestest friend in the world
-Always there for me no matter what
-I will protect and defend him at all costs
-I miss very much
-Good thing I have unlimited text because we text from the time we wake up until we go to sleep haha
-My heart aches when he is in pain
-He always makes me laugh and smile...all the time
-Everytime I'm with him I am ridiculously happy
-My respect for him grows everyday because of everything he's going through
-He's a Godly man whose love for Jesus amazes me
-Singing voice=AWESOMENESS...i want to marry it *swoons*
-I get lost in his eyes
-He cares for me so much...always tells me I'm beautiful and so special to him
-Are we dating??? no (i'm sure you were wondering :p)
-I'm completely myself and totally comfortable around him

but above all.....
-I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Melissa said...

such a beautiful post and pic ;)

Anonymous said...

Love your banner!

Michelle said...

Gorgeous photo sweetie!

xobellaaimox said...

love that pic!